15 Jun 2024 20:31:36
You won't have seen this sort of post before on this site! I hope the duty-Ed will allow this, given the fact that we are off-season and it's before juicy transfers (hopefully) kick-in. I hope it is also an eye-opener for you all.

I got beaten-up by a wheelchair-bound 15 year old today! We introduced him as a club last week to wheelchair rugby and he showed up again at training today. I'm not sure what his actual disability is, but he can only walk for a few steps.

I've now been playing wheelchair rugby for a few years, including competing at the GB Championships for 3 seasons. This young man ran rings around me and particularly enjoyed smashing into me from the side. My ribs are now agony and I think that some have been cracked again (that'll be the 4th time since I've been playing this sport! ).

The reason why I am posting this - just for 2 hours that young man forgot about his disabilities, the pain he must go through on a daily basis and the probable bullying that he suffers from at school. That young man was in his element again. His face was a picture of pure delight, especially when he was smashing into me!

Most people don't fully understand disability and its subsequent effects on life. Nor did I until 4 years ago. But, seeing that young chap today reminded me of why I put so much into promoting the sport of wheelchair rugby.

1.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 20:52:41
It's great for people with disabilities to get participating into sport. When on a level playing field the gloves come off, and you feel their intent on succeeding.
Legless hand shakes all round at games end.
Like Invictus games no prisoners taken, and tightly so.

2.) 16 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 09:37:35
Great and honest post Legless, hope you continue to recover quickly!

3.) 16 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 10:48:53
Nice post Ribless!