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10 Jun 2024 09:54:37
Alan Hansen in a different class to the pundits and 'experts' we have to put up with today. A proper authority on football. Hope he pulls through his illness.

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10 Jun 2024 11:48:06
Good footballer, average pundit but hope he overcomes this and gets well.

10 Jun 2024 12:18:08
During Euro 1996 he got out of a BBC chauffeured car on London Road at the Hockley End very politely asking for a Police Escort to the City Ground for a Police Escort to the City Ground for, I think, Croatia v Portugal? There’d been an accident and there was a massive tailback and he was doing commentary. We were unable to get a free vehicle as they were all tied up so he just thanked us for trying and ran the mile to the City Ground in full suit! I didn’t see the game but he arrived just on time but a bit out of breath! I wonder how many fans saw him and said “ is that Alan Hanson I’ve just seen running past us”! ? ?.

10 Jun 2024 14:26:37
If it would have been one of today's players, he would have ordered an helicopter to land on the County pitch, to take him to the City Ground ??.

10 Jun 2024 16:07:46
He would have to have done because a Vespa wouldn't get him there ???.

10 Jun 2024 17:02:56
Why should a bbc employee think he warranted a police escort? Talk about inflated ego,

10 Jun 2024 17:04:32
Just to add its even worse the police trying to sort one out for him,

10 Jun 2024 17:13:20
Does it really matter the man's seriously ill!?

10 Jun 2024 19:55:43
He did ask very politely if it was possible. Absolutely no ego at all. Just couldn’t be done on the day that’s all. One of my colleagues once ran a bloke to hospital in time to see his baby born because he arrived unexpectedly. All part of the service ( or it was back in the day). Obviously it stopped well short of being a Taxi service. Looked after lone females and other vulnerable people walking home late at night. Unfortunately the monster cop Wayne Cousins put a stop to all that.

10 Jun 2024 22:10:03
Rogie I of course wish him well, and hope for a speedy recovery for him, but it says a lot about where we are, when a football pundit thinks he’s worthy of a police escort, and the police feel apologetic for not being able to do it, instead of telling him they more important things to do,

11 Jun 2024 06:00:17
Rogie, mate, youve got it all wrong! It wasn’t like that at all. Bear in mind when I joined the Force in 1979 there was a Chief Supt in charge of South Division run from HQ at Shirehall PP Smith ( long since passed). Old style but not in a good way. His initials gave him the nick name “Power Pis”Ed. ).
He lived at West Bridgford and he ordered Police Officers to be posted every day he worked at junctions from WB to HQ to wave his wife through at 9am and 5 pm to drive him to and from work. Now that’s infuriating and would never be allowed now.
As a footnote, as a probationary PC you were sent on “attachments” to various depts to see how they worked. The most boring was the week long “Admin “ course at Shirehall where you were basically the tea boy. One of the “jobs” I had was to ferry crates of spirits from various senior Officers car boots to their Offices. Which is probably why PPs missus came to pick him up every day….
The Hansen request was nothing at all like that…….

11 Jun 2024 09:06:51
Stevie not Rogie, sorry.

11 Jun 2024 09:20:09
Whilst I’m basking by the pool on our last day here in Corfu awaiting private transfer at tea time to the airport I’m reminded ( by this talk of Police Escorts) of the day when me and my colleague Pete were detailed to collect a Supt from Beeston and take him home to his house in Aspley. To be fair the Supt was a great boss and had been called to an emergency meeting with no access to his own car. Another Panda crew had taken him and we were bringing him back.
Pete had a huge impassive slab like face which masked a wicked sense of humour. He had a great poker face and could get away with his “pranks “.
Well, Pete drove like a man possessed all the way! He didn’t tell me what he was up to but when we got to Aspley the Supt was a bit ashen faced ( as was I to be honest) and said “Pc H thank you for bringing me home but there was no need to drive so quickly “
Pete’s reply had always stuck with me….
“It’s called Positive Driving Sir. The clutch is either IN or it’s “OUT”
He got away with it because of his face. I couldn’t stop laughing afterwards and the gaffer was just baffled! ???.



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