Nottingham Forest banter 244722


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08 Jun 2024 15:35:32
Just heard a joke which reminded me why I'm now permanently retired and could never do another job or promotion interview as a 67 year old man.
HR: " What would you say was your worst weakness".
Me: "I'm too honest".
HR: "That's interesting. I don't think honesty is a weakness".
Me: "I don't give a flying f*** what you think"! ???.

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08 Jun 2024 20:17:05
Do you think people might be scared to reply to you stokey in case you write a history book back ?? I actually enjoy your comments stokey but don't tell anyone has they will think I'm going soft ?? and you do know I'm only having a banter with you I bet you've put up with banter all your life so I know you can take it and it goes over your head ?.

08 Jun 2024 22:48:15
I love your posts as much as a dose of herpes, Stokey.

09 Jun 2024 07:40:55
That's brilliant, Stokey. Made me chuckle that.

09 Jun 2024 07:48:57
Thanks Clough mate ??
Stella, respect mate, I enjoy the banter and the to and fro.
Legless, don’t mince your words mate tell me straight! ???.

09 Jun 2024 08:21:24
Talking of promotion interviews reminded me that back in the day Nottinghamshire Police had a policy that anybody who had passed their Sergeants and Inspectors exams was entitled to a promotion interview. The Promotion Boards were high powered chaired by a Deputy Chief Constable with a Chief Superintendent and also your own sub divisional Commander.
A mate of mine, nearing retirement, put in for the interview just to say a few parting words which passed into legend….
DCC “So, why should we promote you to Inspector Sgt C?
Sgt C Well sir, I thought it was about my turn and I have a good chance considering the wasters and idiots you have promoted recently”
DCC “ How do you think the proposed new legislation of PACE ( the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984) will impact on the Force?
Sgt C “I dunno sir, I don’t care I’ll be long gone and retired by then.
DCC. Sgt C ( seeing this was turning into a farce) tell me how have you prepared for this interview?
Sgt C. “Well sir, I’ve been working on renovating an Old Ford Cortina that’s been on my drive for months”
Needless to say, he didn’t get the promotion and Command Corridor instigated a thorough paper sift prior to actual interviews
I last saw the Sgt concerned happily working at Reuben Shaws Garden Centre at Moorgreen about 2 or 3 years ago and enjoying his retirement. Great bloke and still laughing at the world …. z.

09 Jun 2024 09:09:43
There was a phase in the 2000s when Promotion Boards started to ask “funky” trick questions or surprise situations to see how the interviewees coped.
Again one of my Inspectors, a great gaffer, told me that his opening question was “Sgt, you have a very lugubrious face”. He did indeed have a very “lived in” face, a double for Walter Mathau. So, the trick was you had to know what “lugubrious” meant and secondly give a sensible answer to a stupid question. My boss did it right by making a joke of it saying “Well sir I’m afraid it’s the only one I’ve got”!
This was funny, accurate and made the point that it was indeed a ridiculous question. He got the promotion….
The other one was when the candidate was confronted by a chair placed a long way from the Panels desk, about 30 yards. So, you could either shout or use your initiative and pick up the chair and move it closer.
A colleague of mine did the second option but when he’d settled down on it was told “Right Sgt, take the chair, put it back where it was, sit on it and let’s carry on with the interview. ”
My colleague, fed up by this ridiculous behaviour, took the chair back to where it was then went out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him and muttering “ I’m not a bloody performing chimp! ”
Crazy days……….

09 Jun 2024 11:48:46
I don't know what takes the longest stokey reading your posts or trying to swipe by them, ?.

09 Jun 2024 13:51:22
Well Stokey our paths cross again, I have done work in the past at Reuben Shaws on his heating for his greenhouses back in the 1960, s.
I also used to look after the police headquarters at Epperston, back in the 1970, s too. Bet you did your cadet training there. Also looked after the heating in all the police stations in Notts.

09 Jun 2024 15:37:13
Now we're done for redsocks the reply could go upto banter page 4??.

09 Jun 2024 15:40:16
Small world Redsocks mate! I was never in the Cadets but did loads of courses at Epperstone Manor. Joined when I was 22 in 1979 and retired 30 years later on retirement in 2009.
As for Police Stations I worked at Beeston, Stapleford, Dunkirk, Strelley, Gregory Boulevard, Hamilton House, Radford Road, Central, Bulwell, Hucknalland the Bridewell, with filling in stints at Carlton, Shirehall and Guildhall. I think that’s all of them.
Our paths must have unknowingly crossed….

09 Jun 2024 17:22:22
That was me being diplomatic Stokey! No, you know that I love your posts really Ronnie C. Great Police stories BTW.



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