Nottingham Forest banter 244832


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26 Jun 2024 10:35:27
It was so hot ? yesterday that I had a stand in a cold shower for half an hour. When I emerged stark naked I felt much better. It was well worth the lifetime ban from B and Q. ?

So, Paddy asks Mick " If you were stranded on a desert island who would you most like to be stranded with? "
Mick says "Pat"
Paddy asks "Why him? "
Mick says "Because he's got a boat"! ??

Two ladies are chatting and one says "So, how did you meet your husband? "
The other one says "Well I used to work in a Chemist and he came in and asked to buy a packet of comdoms. I asked him " What size? "
He said " XXXXXXXL"
It was only after we were married I realised he had a stutter ". ?????

Ok I'll get me coat.

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26 Jun 2024 12:07:45
Just been reading about a small river which flows under nottingham. Not the Leen, but one called Beck Culvert, flows from bottom of St. Annes well road, under Victoria Park down to the Trent. Its from St Annes Well, which provided sparkling fresh drinking water to the east of Nottingham since 400AD. Born and lived in here for 77 years and never knew. Anyone here know about it.

26 Jun 2024 14:35:47
Not heard of it Redsocks mate and I lived at Cheverton Court off Cranmer st for 4 years. Fascinating stuff. It’s amazing what’s under your feet isn’t it?
I live at a renovated Water Pumping Station building by the Old Potteries Water Board in the 1890. Apparently there’s an aquifer under here as big as 4 football pitches about 300 yards down. That’s a big lake very deep as well. Though it’s pumped from Hanchurch now about 4 miles away.
I’m surprised Severn Trent haven’t poisoned it by effluent by now.

26 Jun 2024 18:23:56
A know a bloke who worked for Severn Trent for years. He told me most of Nottinghamshire water supply comes from a huge underground lake, that is fed from fresh water streams like you mention 22. He said it will never run out, hosepipe bans are to protect other parts of the country.

26 Jun 2024 21:45:26
Stokey, I use to look after all the Notts C C oil and gas boilers. Called at Rolleston Drive garage a lot, they had a useless oil fired boilerwhich broke down often. One day it was freezing cold and it broke down as usual, as I was stripping it down the union officials came in pushing their weight about. All the machanics have down tools and are sitting in the canteen, its to cold to work they insisted forcefully. Well, If its to cold to work I am off to the canteen to join them with a cup of tea. and did so. If you lot get back to work I will fix it, union man cleared off. Took my time fixing it, all what was needed was to press the reset button.

26 Jun 2024 21:50:20
Well you'll be OK stokey as Venice hasn't sunk yet.

26 Jun 2024 22:12:04
Well it’s only canal boats on the waterways round nearby Stone DTP rather than the Ocean going liners around Venice. Rather than the Doges Palace in St Marks Square it’s just the Feathers pub at Barlaston so I have high hopes of not being under water mate.

Actually the Steam Engine House about 50 yards from me is like a cathedral and above the arched entrance is the date 1898, the same year we first won the FA Cup. The ex Gillingham and Stoke City centre forward Mamady Sidibe and his family live there. Lovely man, gentle giant and fellow hay fever sufferer!

Sorry been drinking Marmalade Gin and tonics all afternoon and evening hence this Ronnie Corbett type reply! ???.

26 Jun 2024 23:07:24
I'll give a toast to marmalde gin.

27 Jun 2024 09:30:36
Excellent DTP! ????. I always worry about what I’ve said or posted in drink the night before but it was, by my standards, not too rambling! ?.

27 Jun 2024 09:47:25
Actually, if anybody’s down this way ( and likes gin) there’s a brilliant gin making one day course at Nelsons distillery just outside Uttoxeter. Loads of free samples, take home the bottle of gin you’ve created and a great buffet lunch. Take a designated driver though because one ends up a bit tipsy.
I remember my wife got a bit cross because a very posh lady, a bit the worse for samples, came ( unbidden) and sat on my knee for a while. I believed she just wanted to get her hands her my botanicals or talk about the first thing that came up ………??.



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