Nottingham Forest banter 244749


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14 Jun 2024 16:37:41
You lot seem to forget the amount big M has put into this club. Said before lord sugar said you can never win being an owner. All you get is sh1t. Let the lad build what he wants. Would you be pi$$ed off someone complaining about your extension on your house. He owns it. My only hope and its a long shot. Is that any missed games. He'd give it to those who have give so much work to those in the Nottingham area. as in charities etc COYR.

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14 Jun 2024 20:24:04
Spot on Bowie mate.

14 Jun 2024 21:28:52
To add to that Bowie he's filled the stadium and 10 thousand more want to come
I don't get the " he hasn't got a clue theory, as in the transfer department"
We weren't ready to go up with a settled side that included five loans
Suddenly its end of May and we are in the premier, players go for their holidays and we have to buy a whole side in six weeks
The coach then has to gell them into a side?
Don't think it went to bad under those circumstances?

14 Jun 2024 21:57:53
Bowie and DTP ant and Dec 2 ??.

14 Jun 2024 22:28:44
One day you'll grow up skeggs
Ain't no time soon though I'd say?
You don't like nothing about forest so why keep posting?

According to you and your mate, we are useless in every department and your mate balloons thinks we pay far too much to watch a pile of crap, not to mention the price of a pint and a pie?
Like I've always said
You don't understand what a supporter is.

14 Jun 2024 22:57:15
Where have I said were useless in every department mate ?? we was useless in one a premiership manager we now have one sorted you need to read my posts properly and keep off the lady drinks my little Derbyshire pal NG10 ??.

15 Jun 2024 00:05:03
Bowie, When I post, I do use sarcasm and ironic tone, it does go over some people's heads. My real opinion on the containers being used is, I hope it looks great, and the improvement in the attendance is needed, but Mr M is the "owner" for now, so when he leaves the City Ground, which he will. It still looks iconic from the Trent Bridge, and not looking like building blocks put together by a five year old.

15 Jun 2024 11:08:54
Vespa, it’s unfortunate that shipping containers are involved amidst mention of “On the Water Front” an iconic film about corruption, crime and fixing matches!
Marlon Brando “I coulda been a contender “! Just brilliant!

15 Jun 2024 11:43:43
To be honest, I was trying to get the film " Street car named desire " in my first post, so I could write, Stella, Stella, Stella, No. ??.

15 Jun 2024 23:34:20
Buildings are nothing but materials vespa. And i don't give two flyings what it looks like. I am a music man i come from far away what can you plaaaay. I play the city ground. Wont bore ya repeating. Vespa please sir I'm no sherlock, but for now. I know the basic foundations of my beloved club ?.



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