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27 May 2024 13:11:22
I'm disgusted with Curry's. Just ordered a brand new TV to watch the Premier League next season but it came with no Leeds! ????.

Agree5 Disagree0

27 May 2024 16:15:00
Your a Saint you are Stokey ????

27 May 2024 21:31:57
Carlo, mate, you are old enough to know what I’m on about when I say that Saints have waited 52 years to avenge their 7 nil humiliation at the hands of Leeds Utd. Do you remember the cruel and unnecessary keepy uppy and show boating by the dirty team that day?

27 May 2024 22:00:33
Superb Stokey. Do you attend CG matches? Just wondering if the 'hardcore' on this site could meet up early next season at a home game. I'd love that.

28 May 2024 13:04:43
I was 10-11 when that game was played, I was football mad and had no anomosity against any team except direby. I thought Leeds was at the top of there game against Southampton, the flicks and possession play was excellent, and for weeks afterwards me and my mates was trying what we had seen, and the could de graze by Johnny Giles was brilliant, left foot behind his right leg to make a pass great, you watched Brazil, George Best, Cruff for something different, even the Ernie Hunt free kick.
That season Everton beat Southampton 8-0, they was bad, Leeds beat us 6-1, two young men won the title with direby, and we was relegated. But our future was yet to come.

28 May 2024 13:07:29
Legless, I’ve been a season ticket holder since 2009 when I retired from the Police. I go to all the home games and manage usually around 4 or 5 away. Sounds a great idea to meet up however my logistics on matchday are complicated. I travel from Stoke ( the 2 grooves on the road surface you see on the A50 there and back are from made by me over the years) and I meet up with my daughter ( also ticket holder) who travels from Doncaster where she lives but pulls some physio work in Mansfield and Belper areas on the way. So it’s sometimes a tight. When she can’t make it, my mate from Knaresborough comes down by train from Leeds and I pick him up at Nottingham Station.
This is turning into a Robbie Corbett I know, but my daughter recently became pregnant ( due date 12th December) and my mate had his hip replaced last Thursday ( and the other one due when he’s recovered fully, currently on 2 sticks ). So it’s a bit up in the air atm.
So, to cut a short story long, I’m up for it definately. I bet you wished you’d never asked and well done for staying awake, if indeed you have mate! ??????.

{Ed001's Note - if anyone can make a short story long Stokey! And yet always interesting to read.}

28 May 2024 14:30:38
Yes to cut long story a lot shorter he's up for it good old stokey the librarian ??.

28 May 2024 15:58:19
Leeds were a fantastic side at the time but Revie insisted they were always malicious which the players were happy to go all with, why I, ll never know.
This what made them so hated.

28 May 2024 16:46:46
Agreed Vespa and Carlo. In 1972 and that infamous game Southampton were at, or near the foot of the table and Leeds were at or near the top if memory serves me correctly. So the result didn’t come as unexpected ( even though 7 goals was a dire). Perhaps Leeds were just coached to be arrogant bit there was bad blood between the teams.
Either way, Leeds certainly got their come uppance. Apparently no team has ever failed to get promotion with 90 points…….

28 May 2024 16:47:43
Stella, couldn’t have put it better myself mate!

28 May 2024 17:39:56
Many thanks for your kind words Ed1
It struck me that for various reasons my personal and work life has meant many many hours on the road, and so it continues …….
The top 3 soundtracks to my life should be ….
2468 Motorway by the Tom Robinson Band
I Drove All Night by Roy Orbison ( not the Celine Dion version)
And, most of all, “Take it Easy “ by the Eagles.
What would yours be Ed ( and any other contributors whilst we are in this fallow period between seasons) ? I’m guessing one would be “You’ll Never Walk Alone “ by Gerry and the PaceMakers” but correct me if I’m wrong!

{Ed001's Note - of course YNWA, it has meant so much. I have very different musical tastes to you, I grew up on stuff like NWA and Public Enemy. Narrowing it down to just 2 more songs is difficult. I probably should say something from The Beatles, though it is not my kind of thing, it is just that any time you talk to someone foreign and you say you are from Liverpool they almost always respond by mentioning the Beatles. I just don't know any of their songs off the top of my head.}

28 May 2024 18:20:03
On second thoughts Stokey / Ronnie - let's not bother! I fear that my ears would bleed if I met you in person.

28 May 2024 22:00:26
No idea how you find the time to read as well stokey
I'll never moan about the trains again or the roads with all the diversions you take just to get to match ????
Pubs out of the question with that rota.

29 May 2024 14:58:01
It's good to have a well read person on the site, many of his posts, I have go to Wikipedia to get the information?. My go to music for travelling " Funky Moped" by Jasper Carrott. It's great on a push bike.



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