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30 May 2024 18:35:14
Apologies for the long message - Stokey's influence! This isn't a plea for praise nor a sympathy-post. The last thing disabled people want is either. This is a post that I want you all to ponder upon in your own lives.

As the admin details have come together today for my mountain-climb on 4th August (new date) I've become a bit reflective. I had a few people saying to me that I've already climbed a mountain to get where I am now. Whilst I appreciate these comments, I don't agree. I chose to make the best of my life - simple as.

Whilst having 'very short legs' and only 35% permanent overall kidney function from Sepsis has been challenging at times - I suppose that I inherited my late-Dad's character trait of being both persistent and unable to give up!

This was my Dad's favourite life-quote from former US President Calvin Coolidge which I totally agree with and I want you all to think about:
"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent".

Agree2 Disagree0

30 May 2024 19:03:03
Legless beautiful post and from the Heart. ❤️
You carry on being positive and influential.
The Mountain will be merely a hill with your spirit and attitude.
Smash it buddy. ?.

{Ed001's Note - and if you are struggling we can always send Stokey to give you a pep talk.....}

30 May 2024 19:19:21
Admirable post mate. Bowie would be super proud!

30 May 2024 19:18:17
Ed 1
Legless would be deep in slumber long before the end of any pep talk of mine!
Good luck Legless and a great quote. Don’t know who said it but success really is only one per cent inspiration and 99% perspiration! ??????.

{Ed001's Note - at least you can guarantee he won't run away!}

30 May 2024 19:44:41
Ed001 - if Stokey was giving an inspirational pep talk, it would then become a 2-3 day event.

{Ed001's Note - just pray no one asks for an encore.}

30 May 2024 20:35:48
Yeah legless, good luck with your venture. How you remembered that quote from your old man beats me. My da's was 'I'm off to the club, an easy one. You come over a little anxious on this journey. Just enjoy it mate. Means a lot to you and the people you're doing it for.

We've all got mountains to climb. Just approach it in our own ways.
Good luck leggy son ?.

30 May 2024 20:55:22
At least your ears will become immune to high altitude bleeding mate!
G. Gordon Liddy, ex-Marine, was President Nixon’s head of his 'dirty tricks' dept nicknamed 'the Plumbers'.

Responsible, amongst other things, for the Watergate break in. A renowned hard man his favourite party trick was to hold a cigarette lighter to the palm of his hand and, as his flesh burnt, casually remark, "The thing about enduring pain is just not to mind".

Now I’m not advocating this Legless, as the man was clearly a nutter, but that mental attitude might help you through the pain barrier.
There, I kept it as short as possible.

30 May 2024 22:00:37
Stokey - I'm amazed that you have written such a short post! Again, not asking for sympathy, but I remember the pain of 3 years ago learning to walk again on newly-amputated legs. I've since been assessed as having 'a high pain-threshold', but I don't mind admitting it was agony.
A positive mental attitude combined with persistence will get all of us frail human beings through hard times.

30 May 2024 20:46:18
Ed001.?? We suffer stokieitis together. My heart goes out to you ???.

{Ed001's Note - I actually enjoy his posts, but shhhh don't tell him that!}

30 May 2024 22:49:39
Bowie - I am a bit anxious about this challenge. But I suppose if I didn't feel anxious about it then it wouldn't be a proper challenge! Thanks for your support mate. Yes, we all have our mountains to climb.

31 May 2024 09:34:04

31 May 2024 09:43:42
Legless, you’ve already demonstrated your positive mental attitude and ability to endure incredible adversity in your life so I have complete faith in you.
I’ll be thinking about you on August 3rd mate and good luck! ???.

31 May 2024 10:00:18
And there it is. Nice one.
I will concur Legless, best wishes mate.

31 May 2024 10:01:26
Legless, I was always deeply moved when I used to do marathons and half marathons ( my charity was Marie Curie Cancer care in memory of my sister) and saw disabled athletes running on those springy legs and some in wheelchairs. I’ll certainly never forgot what the human spirit is capable of overcoming and you are another example of that.

Did you ever watch “Coming Home” and Jon Voights performance in that film? It always made me think a bit about how people cope with monumental adversity. I guess it’s an emotional as well as a physical journey? I’m in awe of your courage and commitment. ?.

31 May 2024 18:03:12
Thanks for all your messages of support guys. I appreciate it.

31 May 2024 21:02:18
First proper training session today for the Pen Y Fan climb. I did about 2 miles on rough tracks, cobblestones and grass in the all-terrain chair. At times I had my twin granddaughters on my lap which made it tough going!
I'm aching like crazy already now and have wheelchair rugby training to face tomorrow morning. Deep joy. At least I'll experience the mental-health benefits of beating up disabled people tomorrow I suppose.
Thanks again for your support Foresters. From a knackered Legless. PHOTO-2024-05-31-18-20-14.



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