Nottingham Forest banter 244838


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27 Jun 2024 11:54:22
If everything you hear is half true we only need to find 20 million surely Richards and O, Brien off to Olympiacas is worth that to the big man and no need to sell anyone from the first team.

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27 Jun 2024 12:17:17
Looks like niakhate off to lyon for 10 million.

27 Jun 2024 12:19:01
Too right jester, looks like the niakhate deal is going through 20 mil, and someone should sit down with worrell and put him straight that he has no future at this club. I think it will all happen very soon. If not take the points and claw them back over the season.

27 Jun 2024 14:37:45
Murrilo too Chelsea been offered cash plus 2 players. He's definitely going to go in my eyes but I'd want straight up cash not players who can't cut it with Chelsea. Chabolah being mentioned thanks but no thanks 50 million and Murrilo is yours. As much as I'd love him to stay we have too except that most of our talented players will eventually move on.

27 Jun 2024 15:34:54
With niakite going for 20 million no need to get rid but at least if he does go we can get a good price for him now personally I'd love him to stay think he's got a great career ahead of him.

27 Jun 2024 15:45:46
It will be a pity if Murillo goes, the bond with the supporters was instant, and he seems to have free range on what he does. Someone posted on here that he would go to a "bigger club? " And be trained, to be World class, no more shots from his own corner flag, rampaging run's from his own box, and the amount of goals he stopped using his body, and last death tackles. A big team will turn him into a robot, he should stay with us Nottingham Forest.

27 Jun 2024 20:19:43
Well just looked at the pre season friendlies, no home games. So much for the free home game ticket for season card holders, mind you didn't see it happening what with all the work going on at the ground.

As for Murillo sorry to see him go, for a young lad he showed maturity beyond his age. He'll get lost in the system in the prem, he'd be better off going to real Madrid.

27 Jun 2024 21:05:17
If he's going for 50mil plus challobah that ain't bad obviously rather keep him

Anyone else going Chesterfield? Funny feeling that's going to be lively day out nearly 5000 forest goin.

28 Jun 2024 10:29:48
I reckon I am and will meet up with my daughter from Doncaster if she’s up to it with baby expected in December! ??.

28 Jun 2024 19:06:51
Chelsea can't afford a straight cash deal, it also gets very complicated as the two players might not want to come to us and depending what Chelsea are paying them, would we be able to match that?
Think that one is dead in the water.



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