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22 Jun 2024 20:04:32
Please don't go 'quiet' on us Stokey after yesterday's fun n games! Dare I say it, but I do enjoy your posts.

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22 Jun 2024 21:03:02
Stokeys ok he's got nothing to go quiet for I'm sure he will pop on soon and give us a lecture on Alexandra the great ?.

22 Jun 2024 21:04:07
Stokey has nothing to quite about, like I said yesterday there are people out there who want to be offended. Unfortunately that's the world we live in now. I've got a brain tumour, they've had two goes at removing it but it's still there, a lot of my mates in the boat club say all kinds of things about it and me, ITS ALL BANTER and I love it.

22 Jun 2024 22:02:00
I agree Stokey has nothing to rue about. In fact, if you're reading this Stokey I'd love to get your full-take on Boudica. Her rise to power and ability to hold onto it as a female has always baffled me.
Love your attitude RV. Keep fighting that with a smile on your face. It's satisfying to tweak the nose of the Grim Reaper!

22 Jun 2024 22:13:29
Thanks legless it's not the grim reaper I'm bothered about it's the establishment, they don't want old people living too long. They want my pension back. Well there not going to get it, not yet anyway.

22 Jun 2024 23:01:01
I'm sure Stokeyred has had plenty of crap when he was on the beat, and still has a funny way at looking at life, and Legless, Boudicca will be like a red rag to a bull, expect a 5.000 word essay??.

23 Jun 2024 08:57:22
Morning friends and thank you for your concern and kind words. I’ve not gone quiet it’s just we’ve had our 3 year old grandson over to stay for 2 days and he’s run us ragged. No time to think never mind post.! His Mum and Dad picked him up yesterday afternoon and I we spent the rest of the day recovering, watching football and sipping G and T s in the garden enjoying the arrival of summer.
RV I’m sorry for your troubles mate. Cancer is a right bar steward. I lost my beloved sister to breast cancer aged 56. Good luck my friend and keep fighting.
I’ll tell you my local Boudicca story in a bit ……….

23 Jun 2024 09:14:54
Don't forget about your ALEXANDRA THE GREAT story as Stellaboy said yesterday.

23 Jun 2024 09:26:41
I too am glad you are back Stokey, and Red Vale, I'm sorry for the sh@t your having to put up with mate, I never come on here to "want to be offended", nothing could be further from the truth mate, we all take things differently, hope we can finally move on, and get on with talking all things Forest.
Summer's (hopefully) here!

23 Jun 2024 10:51:23
Never went away Rogie my friend and many thanks mate!
Before I go on to my Boudicca story may I comment on a football matter, namely Englands stuttering progress through the Euros?
It seems obvious to me that the Trent experiment hasn’t worked. I think we need more in midfield than the odd Hollywood pass or the even rarer free kick goal. We need someone to play alongside Declan Rice to take a grip in the middle of the pitch for 90 minutes.
Obviously Kelvin Phillips, the Yorkshire Pirlo, was nailed on for this part until injuries and associated loss of form ruled him out. It was a mistake not to take Jordan Henderson which Southgate may rue.
Moving forward, I’d play Bellingham alongside Rice and move Cole Palmer into the number 10 role in support of Harry Kane up top. The only problem with this for Southgate is it needs a lot of bottle to move your best player ( and biggest ego) into a less favoured position. Not sure if Southgate can do it.
The good news is that he can at least experiment in the game against Slovenia, the team rated 57th in the world who we will beat comfortably to qualify.

23 Jun 2024 11:05:05
Think that's a good assessment, Southgate is far too negative.
I remember the players from the England team had a meeting in 1990.there was definitely an improvement.

23 Jun 2024 11:07:15
Thanks for the kind words, but what I really want to know is where did Boudicca fight her last battle against the romans. Some say it was along wailing st Aka the a5 but it seems a long way from Essex.

23 Jun 2024 12:56:09
Palmer practically unplayable last two months, he should be on form be selected.

23 Jun 2024 12:58:05
Rogie, I remember when that happened, but there was a lot of big characters in that team. Southgate with the amount of years he's worked with these players, he should know them inside out. What he said after the last match, "I've left a better player at home "was a total slap in the face to the players he brought.

23 Jun 2024 16:05:02
Did he really say that?

23 Jun 2024 19:24:26
True mate, you had Pearcy, Gazza, Reid, Ince, Batty I think.
All powder puffs in that team.
Infact I can't think of any who are true leader on the pitch in the Premier League.

23 Jun 2024 21:15:39
RV, mate, you are right about Boudicca or Bodeceas last battle. It did take place on the old Roman Watling Street, now largely the A5 at a place called Wroxeter which is about 30 miles from where I live. If any of you on here ever get the chance, you should visit the Roman ruins at Wroxeter which at the time was a Roman garrison town containing a cohort of Thracian ( now Bulgarian ) cavalry about 500 men and horses plus local admin staff. The old Watling Street has been excavated and there’s about 100 yards of it outside where the main gates of the barracks would have been.

Tacitus ( who was alive when the Battle of Watling street was fought around AD 61 and himself commanded a legion when he was Governor of Asia ) and to write his Annals probably interviewed veterans of the campaign) wrote movingly of how the local Coronovoii tribe on the Wrekin ( which I can see from my house now as I write this about 20 miles away) watched as the usually pitch black view over Worcester was lit by the camp fires of both armies and after the battle by the burning wagons and chariots of their defeated Celtic cousins the Iceni led by Boudicca. It must have been quite a sight.

Legless ( if you’ve got this far mate) the Wrekin would be a good training route for your mountain expedition. It’s steep but tarmacked with a cafe half way up. The view at the top where the Coronovii (a tame tribe whose weapons had been confiscated by the Romans) lived is breath taking.

Boudicca fled and took poison after her defeat by 2 Spanish Legions ( the Romans always posted foreign soldiers on conquered territory to prevent conflicts of interests). Her remains are allegedly buried under platforms 9 and 10 of Kings Cross Station but I believe from stuff I’ve read that they are buried on Hampstead Heath.

Anyway Wroxeter is a great day out and right next to Attingham Stately Home and Park. Worryingly for me, Boudicca s revolt was initially b successful because the Governor Paulinus had taken the Legions off to Anglesey to fight the Celts there leaving old retired Roman soldiers to guard the rest of the country.

They were great at collecting taxes and sorting out minor disturbances but couldn’t deal with a full scale rumble like Boudicca s and they were massacred in great numbers on their farms and homes, according to another Roman historian Cassius Dio. Probably couldn’t get off their recliners …….

23 Jun 2024 23:24:32
Superb Stokey. For once, you didn't lose me at all! I find this stuff intriguing - especially as I am married to a very proud Celt.

24 Jun 2024 11:42:18
Legless thank you. It would be very interesting to see how much of a Celt your wife is mate. My grandmother on my Mums side was a Dylan from the village of Sheen in South West Ireland who came to England as a young girl to find work as a maid. She changed her name to the more English sounding “Dillon” to help her chances of employment. She married my Grandad Frank, a miner from the Meadows and the rest is history as they say.
However my daughter recently did one of those Ancestor DNA type tests and they found not even a smattering of Irish in her, mainly Scandinavian from the Vikings I guess.
The point is that we are all so intermingled over the generations. I think I've posted on her before that in the days of the Danelaw the River Trent being the boundary. So Nottingham became a frontier town with the Saxons in their stronghold of Nottingham Castle hill staring watchfully at the Danes in their stronghold on the hill where the Shirehall is now. In between them a market developed, Old Market Square, where they could trade goods and get to learn each others languages and customs. I guess the Saxon women took a liking to the Viking men and vice versa and the frontier eventually became as meaningless as it is today and the rest is history apart from a few place names.
So, love ( plus trade and practicality ) conquers all eventually and Celticness and any racial differences becomes subsumed and irrelevant. That’s the hope anyway! ??.

24 Jun 2024 14:20:08
The last Female proper red head I saw, was fighting with a man ( And winning ", not outside an Italian restaurant, but a Indian takeaway on the Narborough Road.

24 Jun 2024 15:46:34
Yes RV my was a redhead with green eyes. You still wouldn’t mess with her and she’s 87 now mate!
Incidentally the village where my Grandmother came from is not Sheen ( typo) but Sneem! I went there about 40 years ago on holiday. An unremarkable place which I chiefly remember a pub that was like being in someone’s front room and served Irish Coffees that was three quarters whiskey!
Gazzi and Stella, I haven’t posted anything about Alexander the Great but I did about Trent Alexander Arnold the Mediocre. Will that do my friends?
Legless, the other thing about the Wrekin mate is that if you get to the top and look Eastwards the next high piece of land is the Ural Mountains in Russia about 2400 miles away!

24 Jun 2024 17:05:15
Stokey - Mrs Legless is Cornish mate. She's out biting the heads off chickens atm (! ), but she's part of the Pengelly Cornish Mafia. I seem to remember her saying that they have links back to the original 2? Celtic Clans in Cornwall. She's done her Ancestry DNA and, strangely, it came back that she's 33% Scottish!

24 Jun 2024 17:31:41
Very interesting Legless. I’m sure she’s a wonderful and charming lady with an incredible pedigree from the sounds of it mate. ?.



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