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02 Jul 2024 20:15:55
Well had to put the dog to sleep today. Feels like I've lost my best mate, funny how I'm more upset losing him than some family that have passed.

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02 Jul 2024 20:49:14
Aw mate, that's so sad. your dead right, unconditional, unwavering love.
Take care.

02 Jul 2024 21:23:58
Just a thought, as Trump has now managed to delay his sentencing for crimes to do with his presidency, so that now is put in place by his gang of judges. He can commit any crime and pardon himself, the president from now on and future presidents that's how I see it. Its airtight, sealed, its law.
So my question is, can Biden meet Trump in the next president debate and shoot Trump dead and pardon himself.

02 Jul 2024 21:46:45
I know what you're going through MV and you have my sympathy. We had to have our Springer put to sleep 4 weeks ago. Frightening how us humans get so close to the hairy buggers. I pine for him every day. Hang in there mate.

02 Jul 2024 22:07:37
Sorry to hear MV it’s so hard losing your pet, harder in some ways than a human as you cannot explain what’s going to happen. All the best….

02 Jul 2024 22:46:12
Mv pets are family and breaks your heart to say goodbye
2nd anniversary of having to put ours to sleep coming up he was only five and his brother has never been the same since cats though

03 Jul 2024 00:46:25
Bless you MV lost my 15yr old German Shepherd 10yrs ago now and have never thought of replacing her. I couldn't go through that pain again. Chin up buddy ?.

03 Jul 2024 06:42:21
Sorry to hear that, MV. Dogs are part of the immediate family. My Staffie died about 3 years ago. Found it hard to start with and missed him like mad for months. Difficult at the beginning, mate, but we have to carry on.

03 Jul 2024 08:22:09
Lost my dog over 20yrs ago never replaced him and will not bother now all my kids bring theirs to me that's enough for my fix.

03 Jul 2024 09:51:23
Deepest condolences MV and all on here who have lost loved pets. It’s a tough gig alright ?.

03 Jul 2024 11:24:00
Deepest sympathies MV, know what you're going through. Our dogs and cat gone a few years ago. Couldn't go through that heartbreak and sadness again. Hope the new season brings you some positives.

03 Jul 2024 12:25:13
Reply to Redsocks 22,

The Supreme Court judges' decision affects the handling of confidential documents case. It seeks to give ALL Presidents and former Presidents immunity from prosecution, for decisions taken in the course of official actions.

Thus Obama, Bush and Clinton won't be prosecuted for their War Crimes. Biden is unlikely to be present for the next debate and unlikely able to hold a gun, let alone shoot one.

Democratic party is using Lawfare and abusing the judicial system, to target a political opponent. They are even trying to remove Secret Service protection, if Trump gets jailed (for a misdemeanor). Messy times in world politics. Let's see if 'Obama' starts WW3, to stop Trump reelection? ?.

03 Jul 2024 17:28:09
Scouse, it's obama still running the country for now bud. He's had his hand up bidens arse since he started. Being a muppet that is. The yanks are totally cringing at that trump/ buden play off. Can't blame them.

03 Jul 2024 18:14:32
If Trump wins it'll be hilarious. A convicted criminal running America is very apt.

03 Jul 2024 21:24:07
I happened to see the headline in the hilarious Daily Star the other day.
“Man baby beats up doddery old codger live on TV” after their televised debate the other day!

04 Jul 2024 16:05:19
Won Fred from the Goose Fair, that little fellow kept me and the wife amused for many a hour. Then one morning he was floating on top of the water, me and the wife said our good byes at least four times, as we flushed him down the bog.
Too Soon, sorry ?.

04 Jul 2024 16:11:58
Trump doesn't want Biden to stand down, it's his best chance of winning, Reagan at 69 was too old and senile at the end, so little old Nancy was running the country. America where anyone can be President, so long as you raise half a billion in campaign funds ??.

05 Jul 2024 07:54:12
Reply to Peter Clough
Apparently, until he is sentenced by the judge, he's not a convicted felon. Due to the Supreme Court ruling, sentencing has been put back until late September. Speculation is, the case will be dropped.
Democrats wanted the optics of Trump in jail and it's backfired. He's raised more campaign money and the "black voters' are switching to Trump.

05 Jul 2024 18:43:20
Bowie, blatantly obvious. Your American connection knows too. ?.



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