Nottingham Forest banter 10


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14 May 2024 15:39:38
I agree with dtp.
We've waited 23 years to get back in the Premier league.
I've had a season ticket for that many years I've gave up counting.
The Premiership is as corrupt as can be. But at the end of the day it's the only place to be. And we must fight as hard as we can to preserve our statues.

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14 May 2024 18:31:20
What I don’t get is, if the premier is so unappealing to some fans ( and I get it to a degree) what do we do back in the championship, ? Play not to win every week in case we get promoted, ?

14 May 2024 21:11:57
Exactly stevie, it would be pointless and we mainly struggled in it anyway.

Current State of Glasgow Rangers

14 May 2024 07:39:43
{Ed's Note - gdog55 has posted a new article entitled, Current State of Glasgow Rangers

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14 May 2024 23:52:30
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13 May 2024 20:16:18
Balloons / Skegg, I could do with getting some advice from a couple of east coast natives and I thought of you both. I’m guessing Bowie has both of your numbers? If you’re ok for me to have your numbers, could you ask Bowie - I’m assuming he has them - to pass them onto DTP. DTP has my number and can pass them on. Hoping that is ok with you both.

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13 May 2024 22:06:21
Skeggs gave his out on site 2 star
I can give Bowie your number?

13 May 2024 22:18:39
Bowie has our numbers 2star but wouldn't pass them on to DTP I'd have him ringing me up every night asking if I could show him how to fit a bathroom properly without using flat packs 🤣 or he would leave my number behind on all the bodge jobs he does.

13 May 2024 22:33:14
I have no wish to have your numbers or meet either of you skeggs my little bin dipper
Shows what you know about anything when you think a bathroom comes as a flat pack?
What do you think happens?
Screw a bath together? 😁🤣🤣🤣.

14 May 2024 03:37:13
Just ring Bowie, 2Stars. He will give you mine 🎈.

14 May 2024 06:29:02
That's such a shame DTP would of loved to see some of that artwork you do on them banners pal might of even tried a glass of red wine and who knows how you do your bathrooms Mr corgi 😁.

14 May 2024 12:12:47
It's called gas safe now my little bin dipper, but why would I need to be gas safe to pipe a bathroom up? 🤣
Do as many kitchens, bedrooms and joinery pal
But don't work so much now I get my pension, prefer being in the garden.

14 May 2024 13:24:23
What do you do in the garden sit there with a fishing rod pretending to be a knome my little Derbyshire pal 🤣🤣.

14 May 2024 14:11:36
God there's nothing more boring than gardening 💤😴🎈.

14 May 2024 15:07:09
I'm in poland doing what they know best. Vodkas while the father in law watch me make an ass as usual. Just done auchsvitz. Only way i can describe is. Horrible place on a beautiful sunny day. Phone me anytime 2star my friend. And oi skegs mafia. Leave the 79 alone. We all have our dreams and differences. COYR btw meant that 2star.

14 May 2024 15:46:21
I don't know balloons I could think of something more boring. a conversation with DTP over a glass of red wine while tucking into eggs Benedict 🤣.

14 May 2024 16:28:00
Don't worry about me Bowie, I can look after myself.
What's a knome?
Never heard of one 😁🤣.

14 May 2024 17:55:12
I thought you'd understand better if I spelt it rong 🤣🤣.

14 May 2024 19:34:23
My wife and I have a trip to Krakow planned for September Bowie. Not sure I could cope with Aushwitz, but then again I want to pay my respects to the millions of victims. Also to remind myself how easily things can go wrong when a normally civilised nation allows pure evil and barbarism to take over.

I’ve always wanted to visit Poland mate. I’m very envious. I used to work with 2 brothers of Polish extraction when I was on the CID. They uses to take me to the Polish Airman’s Club on Sherwood Rise to sample a fine selection of flavoured vodkas after an evening shift, counting on our Night Crime Patrol to get us home!

Also went to a Polish wedding where I remember there were 4 bottles of vodka per 8 seat tables ( which included wives and kids). My (then) wife lost our daughter aged 3 twice that evening whilst a bit tipsy. After the initial panick we found her firstly in the kitchen in a high seat being fed Polish delicacy’s by doting Polish grandmothers and the second time when she got into the stage with the band! Atrocious parenting!
Anyway mate have a great time and send me some tips on the best hostelries! 🤪🤪😀😀.

14 May 2024 20:28:37
No place like knome 🤣🤣.

14 May 2024 21:14:19
Yes please dtp - thanks very much all.

13 May 2024 18:31:52
Anyway, two newly weds on the first night of their honeymoon, nervous at the thought of seeing each other undressed for the first time.
The young husband takes off his socks to reveal a pair of badly deformed feet. Embarrassed, he explains to his bride that he had Tolio when he was a kid.
His new wife says " Surely, you mean Polio? "
He says "No, it's like Polio but only affects the toes"
He then takes off his trousers to reveal a pair of twisted nobbly knees.
He says "I also suffered Kneesles when I was growing up. Its like Measles but it only affects the knees"
Finally, he removes his boxer shorts to reveal all
His wife gasps and says "Oh no, it looks like you caught Small Cox too"!

Agree6 Disagree0

13 May 2024 22:54:23
I'm deeply offended and hurt that you could be so insensitive to make a joke about feet Stokey. I thought you were a better man than that. And referring to people suffering with a small cock just takes it all too far and personal for me.

13 May 2024 23:19:06
Sorry - ex-Squaddie sense of humour! I'll go back into my shell now.

13 May 2024 23:43:38
As always Stokey.

14 May 2024 09:49:10
I know that ex Squaddie sense of humour very well Legless from my time in the Police… 😂😂
By the way, I don’t know if this helps at all but when I went for my vasectomy many years ago they had to use Operating Theatres 1, 2, 3 AND 4! 🫣😳🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥.

Before my op used to buy those ribbed condoms. But here’s a tip, mate, try wearing them inside out. I mean, why should she get all the pleasure? 🙄😉🤔🤔😁😁.

14 May 2024 16:29:24
Guess where I've got my Ian Storey Moore and Piere Van Hoodonk Tattoos?

14 May 2024 16:34:46
I have a small cock however he's rather feathery and fathered many a chick 🐥😘😜.

14 May 2024 20:07:51
I'm afraid when I went for mine Stokey they were able to perform the operation on 3 of us in the same room. We were in what was known as the 'Gerbil Theatre' of the hospital's Vasectomy Ward. When the lovely Eastern-European lady performing the op looked at my manhood she started giggling and said "It looks just like a penis, but so much smaller"!

14 May 2024 22:12:20
Carlo and Trump! Too much information my friends! My tattoo says “Ludo” which becomes Llandudno! 😂😂🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥.

14 May 2024 22:14:15
Legless, I do sympathise but a lady once said to me “Who do you think you are going to please with that? ”
I said “ Well, me hopefully “ 😂😂😂😂.

13 May 2024 11:15:43
Sell off the dead wood, keep our best players next season, take the points deduction, stick to fingers up to the premier league, and hope for enough points to keep us up. Bye the lease off the council, if we get relegated at the end of next season so be it. Owning our own ground would be fantastic, even with twenty thousand fans in it, if we were to get relegated.

I'm not happy being in this, shall we say (not exactly straight ) premier league, in fact apart from the odd games, I've hated every minute of being in the BEST League in the world 🤪🤪, with its top referees and its VAR, not too mention its top priority teams, one with 115 charges hanging over it 😵‍💫👎.

I along with so many others waited all of those, 23 years, away from the BEST league in the world, just waiting for the chance to get back amongst it, but this league is putting me off football altogether, I never watch any other games now days only Forest matches, the commentators drive me mad, sorry ladies, especially the women ones, as for the p&/ @ks before and after games, well. It's a sad state of affairs when I don't want to watch, the programme I've watched all my life MOTD, bring back David Coleman.

One more thing, then I'll and my rant, SEASON TICKET PRICES, all I'll say is I'm pleased I gave my season ticket away when I did.
I'm 70 odd years old now, I've supported Forest since the age of 5, and I will support them until the day I die,
Its a great game that's been turned into a rich man's play thing, and FANS mean NOWT.

Agree10 Disagree0

13 May 2024 11:38:57
Top post Dreamon. The Premier league is not all that.

13 May 2024 11:44:27
That Dreamon is a fantastic post.
Well said sir.

13 May 2024 12:46:01
Think most would agree there pal. I couldn't name you half the England team or who they played for never mind who plays for who in the prem. I watch championship and lower matches and really enjoy then, sometimes watching prem games I switch off I'm that bored.

I know there's always been bias towards the so called big clubs, but it's ridiculous now listening to commentators cream over the simplest pass or move. The sad thing is if the top teams buggered off and formed a super league, the rest were left to fight it out it wouldn't be the same as you want to play and beat the arrogant knob heads.

The money would dwindle, the skill set would drop and players wouldn't be interested in playing in the prem anymore. A bit of a double edged sword really, can't stand em, can't play without em. See us older fans remember the good old days but fans of the last 20 or so years don't and only know what they see now. I know football has to move with the times but it's gone beyond the ridiculous now. Also in reality we all want Forest in the prem otherwise we in the championship, showing no ambition to get up so have less talent in the squad and the quality if player is less making for less entertaining games.

Sometimes you wonder if you were better off supporting a team like Bristol city or a league 1 team who's dream is to get into the championship hoping to play some sleeping giants or relegated prem teams.

13 May 2024 14:10:43
These are all excellent posts leading on from your heart felt one Dreamon. I also have a tremendous sense of frustration with the way the sport has been hijacked by billionaire global monopolies with a lot of the joy sucked out of it.

I did, foolishly perhaps, entertain some naive idea that Government oversight under the New Bill for regulation might have some effect but all this generation of politicians have absolutely no integrity whatsover and are particularly fond of a nice backhander from rich lobbyists whom the Premier League control ………and I include all the major parties in this so I’m not being partial here friends.

13 May 2024 15:23:46
Yes agree with just about all of that sky have sent me a reminder that they are putting my payment up and how lucky I am to have them sorry but will be cancelling it it's crap all the commutator s are rubbish and I begrudge paying Gary Neville and co for their anti Forest views and if asked I will tell them why.

13 May 2024 15:47:20
I agree with all you say Redjester and you Stokey but unfortunately us ordinary people, citizens of this country, supporters of football clubs, are treated as something you can pick up on the sole of your shoes.

13 May 2024 16:30:59
Great post and perfectly detailed. One point I would make. The BBC football website did not make any headline for the National League play off final between Bromley and Solihull. yet plenty of ramblings about the coach at Chelsea ladies team. the play off final was a great match filled with passion tension and a referee taking responsibility for decisions and who had a very good game. REAL FOOTBALL!

13 May 2024 17:18:05
Stokey, god save us, the last thing we need is politicians getting involved in football, let them concentrate on their main job of messingup the country, and I also include all parties in that,

13 May 2024 18:35:52
Agreed Stevie. It was a forlorn hope anyway but at least I thought they might spread the 💩out a bit more evenly mate! 😔.

13 May 2024 19:48:49
Boris Johnson involved himself in football when he lied to the Premier League about the Newcastle United ownership. 'No one in the Saudi government will have any dealings in the running of the club'. Or words to that effect. The chairman is a Saudi government official. And then had Abramovich kicked out the country for doing nothing wrong.

13 May 2024 20:28:27
Derby, As a pal of Putin’s it a moot point that Abramovich has done nothing wrong, you don’t know, and neither do I unless of course you’re privy to security services briefings, which I doubt.

13 May 2024 20:47:42
Great Post Dreamon, you've nailed it perfectly. Don't need to add a word. 🎈.

13 May 2024 20:54:10
Don't know why you all seem to have a problem with forest playing in the premier
Don't like then don't watch.

13 May 2024 21:25:04
Derby, anyway a bit surprised that with your obvious political leaning, you’d be sticking up for Abramovic, a bloke who’s funded Israeli settlements on the West Bank,

14 May 2024 08:11:03
You wanna know about Boris Johnson and football? For anyone who hasn't seen it, YouTube search Boris Johnson for England. It's 42 seconds. Great commitment! I'd play him before Sangare.

14 May 2024 10:20:54
DTP, no doubt you are a decent bloke, mate, but reading some of your posts, I really think, that, if you actually took a little time to think, then try to drop your brain into gear, before posting, I’m sure that you would get better responses.

Writing something that just pops into your head ain’t always the best response, my friend. I know you’ve always liked to get a reaction from posters mate, and yes I suppose you have one from me. In response to what you said about not watching premier league football matches, as I said, if you slow down and read it properly, I don't only watch Forest matches.

14 May 2024 10:45:33
I'm totally against the illegal Israeli settlements on the West Bank, the illegal Israeli military occupation, illegal Israeli annexation and the illegal blockade of Gaza (since 2007?) But our government turn a blind eye to it and seem to encourage it by doing nothing about it and blocking ICJ rulings on the occupation.

Government interference either way and they shouldn't get involved in ownership nor anything regarding regulators.

14 May 2024 12:31:02
Not at all dreamon
I'm quite happy to pay my £500 OAP price for my season card which equates to about £26 a game, great value, its the beer that's expensive all day
You say you don't like the premier and are glad you have your ticket away years ago and you've fell out of love with the game, well your in a minority, that's why we'll sell out and have 11thousand on the waiting list that enjoy the premier and forest being in it, so spare me a lecture pal.

14 May 2024 12:47:41
In response to your statement D3, may I suggest that on BBC about 3 years ago there was a 2 part documentary on Palestine in 1948.
It covered the aspects of Jewish and Palestinian positions, from both sides and is well worth the watch. A tv judge called Rimmer, and a Palestinian celebrity, call it beautifully you should watch it, you may be even more sympathetic than you are in your view.

14 May 2024 12:57:37
Derby you’re supporting Abramovic who helped fund these settlements he has Russian / Israeli nationality, , you hate everything about this country so much, go live somewhere else, i would if I felt like you,

14 May 2024 13:45:41
🤣🤣🤣 DTP put in his place classic 🤣.

14 May 2024 14:44:12
Where's that then?
Oh yes my front row seat at the world famous city ground, supporting my team unlike some.

14 May 2024 15:30:51
You make sure you read the posts properly DTP before your wobble gob runs away with you 🤣🤣.

14 May 2024 16:22:46
Just to put you right DTP, I actually gave my season ticket away halfway through last season, as your mate and mine Bowie will probably confirm for you. Yes, I have fell out of love with the game, NOT my club. Can you actually remember football, because what you are now paying, or bragging about paying £500 a season, £26 a game for this tedious, boring, rolling around, asking for yellow cards, crying about everything, VAR ruined, useless referring, overpaid, money grabbing game, might be the game you want to play all that money for, But Not Me mate, not anymore.

And I’m sure if you ask the, as you say thousands of fantastic fans that still go to watch, and the thousands that don't. , the BETTER entertainment came when I was paying 2 shillings and 6 pence to get in, and watching proper football played by proper footballers, not TARTS. I had a season ticket far longer than you pal, as did my two kids, So don’t give me the £500 crap, I've paid more going to one game supporting my beloved Nottingham Forest, so if I can’t watch my team, play in the prem, it should be telling you something.

14 May 2024 17:29:12
My first season ticket was £4, adult standing, 21 games if I remember correctly.

14 May 2024 18:17:06
I tell you what Dreamon your last couple of post are awesome, spot on mate. Any mug that pays £500 to watch his team get pasted every week needs there bumps felt. I agree modern day football is garbage. Stringing it across the back four then back to the goalkeeper from the opposition penalty box💤💤. I can't watch Man City, what a bore fest.

It's supposed to be entertainment and don't give me that WFCG cobblers. You could here a pin drop when Chelsea scored. Always the same sing when you winning. So you do what you want Dreamon, it's your money and your life to do with as you wish buddy. Ignore the lemmings who turn up for any old crap 🎈.

14 May 2024 18:54:26
Dreamon, my renewal price is £210 more than I paid for this season (which is exorbitant) so I won't be paying that to watch another relegation battle and dire football and even worse officiating. I'll save that money and buy my boys something.

14 May 2024 22:41:51
How do you know you had a season ticket longer than me?
Your bitter about how much money is in the game and don't enjoy it anymore
So you've done the right thing and gave up
That's fine, but don't preach to others that enjoy going just because you don't
The game has mover on, but you haven't
I used to sell programmes make some money and get in for free as a kid
Life has changed so much in our lifetime
You have to keep a smile, get on with it, cus ots the only one we get
Otherwise you become an old 0erson moaning about life and how much better is was back in the day.

13 May 2024 10:47:38
Nuno needs to sit down with Sangare and ask him if he wants to be here if he does then give him the full pre season and get him fit

There must be a player in there somewhere but totally out of form lacking confidence and fitness play him or cut our losses simple as

PSV played him in front of the CBs receiving the ball and playing it out to the 8 or 10 he also read and broke up the play in front of him

6ft 3 should be a DM powerhouse but looks a yard off the pace in the Prem.

Agree4 Disagree0

13 May 2024 11:11:17
Forest have been offered the ground lease for around 10 mil they should snatch the council’s hand off.

13 May 2024 14:13:26
Agreed Munmad. Sorting out Sanghere should be somewhere near the top of Nunos summer “to do” list mate.
Vale, when you think about it, £10 million is about a third of a Sanghere? Let’s get it done no brainer!

13 May 2024 16:53:55
I would have thought the new stand and improvement to the bridgeford stand would cost around 200 mil with today’s prices, a new stadium for 50 thousand would be in excess of 500 to 700 mil after all the decontamination and inferstrucre is taken into consideration. So its a no brainier MR M should dip into his pocket and get down to loxley house asap.

13 May 2024 18:05:15
From what I can see nobody has confirmed this ‘ 10 million for the stadium story,

13 May 2024 18:37:22
Let’s beware any new stadium development unless closely scrutinised folks. It’s partly how Everton came to grief with FFP.

13 May 2024 19:43:42
Daniel Taylor in the Athletic mate. I believe he is Forest through and through. Never known him to be wrong.

13 May 2024 19:51:01
Allegedly, Red Vale. 'Newspaper' reports are not proof.

13 May 2024 20:20:49
Steve, battle much from the city council has stated in the evening post that the offer is on the table.

13 May 2024 21:20:09
Stokey didn’t think infrastructure like ground development counted towards ffp,

13 May 2024 21:52:32
Barkley will be going for free?

14 May 2024 08:09:01
Stevie, infrastructure shouldn’t be included in FFP but the new stadium problems did surface and impacted on player recruitment. I don’t understand the accounting process at Everton ( or at NFFC to be honest) but it seems they did rob Peter to pay Paul?

DTP I’d snap Ross Barclay’s hand off mate. He’s had a great season, the complete midfielder now he’s apparently got on top of his drink problem according to our well informed Ed1 up in Liverpool.

14 May 2024 13:52:59
No good Barkley coming to forest if he's packed up the drink every forest fan or player needs a drink to get through the season the poor lad would end up crashing round Bowie's on the voddies with him every night 🤣🤣.

13 May 2024 10:39:30
Nuno was bought in with the expectation he would see us comfortably to the end of the season, started how the club wanted but fell away badly.
The jury is now out.

Agree2 Disagree0

13 May 2024 20:36:04
We already had a poll. Most fans want him gone. Verdict delivered.

14 May 2024 15:41:04
🤣🤣🤣 all of 44 fans want him gone 🤣 I'm sure big m will take notice of that on this site and sack him cyclist 🤣🤣 apparently 69 votes I've never known 68 fans on this site I could probably count 30 at the most 🤣🤣.

13 May 2024 10:22:32
Now that the dust is settling a bit after yesterday, I'd just like to say how glad I am that I joined this site. I love and embrace the passion on show that binds us all together as fellow-Reds. We debate, argue and have tantrums - just like in any dysfunctional extended family! However, when push comes to shove we all have the same aspirations for our club and this shines through.

Agree3 Disagree0

13 May 2024 14:19:58
Legless, thoroughly agree. I’ve posted on here before the immortal words of Harry Lime ( played and written by the great Orson Wells) in “The Third Man”….
“For 30 years under the Borgia’s in 15th Century Italy there was terror, warfare and despotism. But it produced Da Vinci, Michalangio and the Renaissance. For 250 in Switzerland there was peace, harmony and brotherly love. It produced the Cuckoo Clock”
Sums up my view of this site mate!
(apologies for the Ronnie Corbett bit there)! 😂😂.

13 May 2024 14:54:43
Brilliant Stokey!

13 May 2024 16:27:36
You forgot, Switzerland just won the Euro. song contest, now that’s some achievement!

13 May 2024 18:39:00
It was with their entry and the “binary “cretin who sang it certainly Caro mate!

13 May 2024 21:55:27
I don't know how you find the time to make a cup of tea or get any sleep tbh.
If I read that much I'd be 20st instead of 10 just saying.

Hidden Gem Players Manchester United Could Sign

13 May 2024 07:39:40
{Ed's Note - Shappy has posted a new article entitled, Hidden Gem Players Manchester United Could Sign

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12 May 2024 21:26:11
VAR next to VAT for me. Anything to rob ya of honesty.

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12 May 2024 20:23:07
By the way Legless I know you thought I'd need Kevlar as well as my tin hat and Gazzi you suggested I should book a holiday to Cloud Cuckoo land rather than Corfu with my predictions on the run in but have a look my friends.
Predicted Forest 2 Chelsea 3
Predicted West Ham 2 Luton 1 ( actually 3 v 1)
Predicted Spurs 3 Burnley 1 (2 v 1)
Said the defeat yesterday wouldn't matter and we be in the Trent with Yatesy, pis"ed. Actually it didn't matter but the crowd leaving the WFCG afterwards was very subdued and entirely sober. Actually swimming in the Trent is not recommended as, according to one of my ex colleagues, a diver, the currents around Trent Bridge are very, very hazardous. ⚠️
I said Burnley would already be relegated by the time we played them without them getting another point. So they are relegated but got a point 1 v 1 against Man Utd with a late Obana fluff!
I think we will beat demoralised Burnley anyway but just to put you fully in the picture comrades if Luton claw back the 12 goals by some miracle ( so much so that the Betting authorities would definately be investigating) they actually need 13. If it's 12 each it goes to goals scored (Luton 50 atm Forest 47) then head to head ( 2 draws) then away goals ( Luton 2 Forest 1). I am pretty confident that my prediction of comfortable survival will be right.
The only thing I got wrong was I believed we'd get 2 points at least back from our FFP appeal. can't think how I got this one wrong😳😳🤔🤔
I'll do an end of season wish list and commentary a week tomorrow if I'm still here and my ticker hasn't packed up already with the stress this campaign has caused me! 🙄😅😅.

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12 May 2024 20:50:35
Caused me no stress stokey my friend, i expected it. Football should be an enjoyment not a predictable farce. I swear reds. I've come off here with a tear now and then. And that's only because i care about the game. And it's wrongdoings. You want the young you take to games to enjoy it. Through passion not fashion. A fashion of money, arabs, and corruption. F kn swear i just cannot see a way forward for us. More and more like Scottish sh1te. League. Luv the sounds that WFCG AND OUR AWAY FANS GIVE. Keeps me sane. X.

12 May 2024 20:51:16
Yes, fair play Stokey, you pretty much nailed it mate. You should develop a gambling habit.

12 May 2024 21:40:48
Legless, mate, I always remind my long suffering wife that putting myself through it supporting Forest is my only vice. I could have spent my retirement on Cocaine and hookers but I don’t……. She seems to be ok with that……. 😂😂😂😂
My conscience is clear and enables me to sleep very well at night ( and sometimes during the day as well! )

12 May 2024 21:45:31
If the duty ED ever posts my previous Bowie - I do admire the passion on this site. Yours particularly. I don't agree with you sometimes, but that's the essence of it, isn't it?

12 May 2024 22:26:31
You got one score very slightly wrong Stokey old boy so off to cuckoo land you go my friend.

12 May 2024 23:56:41
Don't think it was quite comfortable having to wait until 2 games to go and we still not mathematically safe. We all remember the last game for a play off place with a Mr Lamouchi team, Stoke, Swansea, so you never know Luton 7 Fulham 0, Burnley 6 Forest 0, could happen😱😱😱.

13 May 2024 06:54:03
And I'm going to get 6 numbers come up on the lottery Saturday cig 🤣🤣.

13 May 2024 07:38:58
It's not over until the fat lady sings. 😜.

13 May 2024 08:03:51
You are probably right Gazzi my friend. My wife says I spend most of my time there anyway…. 😁😁🤪🤪.

13 May 2024 09:04:42
In that case Stokey, I will see you there sometime.

12 May 2024 19:56:38
As usual a few brief thoughts about yesterday's game.
I didn't understand the subs either comrades. It was a hot day and Yates put a shift in as usual but Nuno also rearranged his defence which looked fairly comfortable. I can only assume it was a response to Pochs subs about 15 minutes earlier. But it didn't work this time. I not sure if those hi tech vests they wear give physio or exertion data live or can only be downloaded after the match. Perhaps Yates was injured or knackered? I don't think so thoughAt the end of the day, it was a free hit with only the possibility of damage to our goal difference which didn't happen. I feared they could score 6 like against Everton or 5 like they did against West Ham. But we matched them until the crazy last ten to 15 minutes while our subs caused disruption and none of them could match £45 million Sterling or England international James. Mudryk at £90 million just shows how disadvantaged we are. I reckon we did very well against a team 4 or 5 times our value.
Disappointed with how it panned out but we lost the battle but will win the war!

Agree2 Disagree0

12 May 2024 20:47:09
A typically well-measured post from you Stokey - I couldn't agree with you more.

12 May 2024 19:41:43
Don't think we'd get much for Sangare if we were to try and sell him. He'll probably end up being shipped out on loan several times still being paid by us, earning good money from us until his contract is up. We've got a few like that, just think we thought we had it bad in the championship when we paid 13 million for Carvalhio, geez 😳.

Agree2 Disagree0

12 May 2024 19:56:10
Back to PSV 15 million best hope I reckon.

12 May 2024 20:19:54
At least Arter will be off the wage bill soon.

12 May 2024 20:28:55
Gateshead looking at him, bit money after winning the FA vase. Too close to Sunderland for me.


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